Boost your local lead-generation efforts with a unique marketing tool offering exceptional ROI.
As a painting company, you need to get yourself noticed in local searches. The best way to get to the top ranking fast is to supplement your local SEO strategy with Local Services Ads (LSAs) for painting businesses. Savvy painting businesses understand the challenges of competition and have embraced this tactic to improve their online presence. Don’t get left behind.
Where Do Google Local Services Ads Appear?
The number one position in all local searches.
When someone does a local search for painting businesses, your LSAs appear at the very top of Google Search results. Your ads not only announce your services but also make it easy for new customers to call or message you by clicking your ad. Once clicked, you receive a notice and an email, so you have a solid lead you can convert to a paying customer. Google shows new customers your ad based on a few criteria:
What’s the Secret to Google Local Services Ads Success?
Driven by your own success and top-notch customer service.
It starts by running your ads. We help you get your LSAs up and running so you can begin to reap the rewards. The sooner you do this the better because as noted above, Google keeps an eye on your responsiveness to ads. Your competitors are already in Google’s sights. They’ve been building their customer base because they started their LSAs sooner. That’s why you have to act now.
LSAs: The Smart Approach to Managing Leads
Google keeps things manageable both budget-wise, and growth-wise.
While Google Local Services Ads can increase your customers, Google also knows they are providing a marketing tool to small local painting businesses. As a result, they try to help you out by pacing your leads so you can first not spend your budget too quickly, and second manage your requests to maintain good standing.
This makes it even easier to ensure you are successful and continue to generate leads, manage your budget, and meet the needs of your new customers. We help keep an eye on your account and will let you know if a slow in leads is due to poor response on your part, or because Google is simply pacing your leads so you can remain in good standing.
Google Local Services Ads vs Google Local Search Ads: Why You Need Both
The difference is in the ranking.
Google’s Local Services Ads appear on top of not just the organic search results, but also the paid local search ads. LSAs are specifically designed for leads, and that’s why you only pay when someone calls or messages you. This means you are getting qualified leads via your LSAs, not just random clicks that don’t result in booked painting projects.
Instead of “bidding” for the privilege of top-ranking, the quality of your past painting projects generated through your LSA’s in hand with your ability to respond quickly to inquiries is what helps you sit at the very top of a local painting business search. Your ROI is much higher because you are only paying for someone you actually have contact with which increases your chances of scheduling a job.
Lower Cost Per Lead with Google Local Services Ads
The difference is in the ranking.
More qualified leads mean increased ROI for your ad dollars.
Local search ads can really ad up, and not necessarily provide the leads you were hoping for. With LSAs you have a more affordable option because you are only paying when a customer reaches out to you. Because you are getting qualified leads, you lower your cost per lead. Your advertising costs decrease, while your qualified leads increase. You spread your advertising dollar further with the help of Google’s monitoring, and your customer base expands at a more manageable pace as well.
Whether you offer commercial painting, residential painting, or both, let the experts at Base Coat Marketing set your LSAs in motion.